Wegamed will be closed for a bridge day on Friday, May 31, 2024.

Elaborate visits at clinics and labs is a
cumbersome process.

By synthesizing 20+ years of research and cutting edge MEDTECH, Wegamed has developed two integrated solutions suites that serve as a one-stop solution for therapeutic, diagnostic, and wellness needs for alternative/complementary medicine clinics and holistic wellness centers.

Our solutions are designed around 2 distinct patient journeys possibilities (foundational and advanced) with our offerings of – Wega Wellbeing Point and Wegamed Wellness Clinic.

Our Wellbeing Point is powered with a suite for 4 Wegamed devices / modalities – Holistic health assessment and diagnostics with Check Medical Sport , whole body detoxification with Med Matrix and Foot Bath, emotional and mental harmonization, and balancing with Med Audio color & Neurofeedback.

The Wegamed Wellbeing point offers our patients a 5 step rejuvenating journey

Promising full-body rejuvenation via integrated devices

Check medical sport

Check the patients in the truest sense of the word from the head to toe.

Med matrix

Combine several methods of matrix regeneration for thought basic detox

Detox footbath

The detox footbath was developed in 2001 by the british doctor marry stages

Med Audiocolor & Neurofeedback

Color and tone therapy with med audicolor serve to strengthen the conditions.

Unique benefits of our Wellbeing Point™ include :

Watch how the Wegamed Wellbeing Point enables holistic wellbeing and improves quality of life

The Wegamed Wellbeing Point is an oasis of holistic well being

Interested to know how it can be an asset to your venture?